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Moving Away from Thinghood in Law: Animals as a New Legal Category?
... The question of what legal status animals have has preoccupied the law for centuries. Most legal Moving Away from Thinghood in Law: Animals as a New Legal Category?[1] Margot Michel * Abstract Moving Away from Thinghood in Law: Animals as a New Legal Category?1 MARGOT MICHEL * Abstract ..." -
Le droit des animaux en France : Droit positif, droit prospectif et appréhension du droit du vivant
... , and the law could be the best vehicle for such reflections. For our part, we believe that legal for a separate category, sentient living beings, without a dedicated legal regime. The French legislator’s 2015 ] C. Riot, « Legal Personhood of Animals (I) : The case for the legal personhood of companion animals , “droit des animaux” expresses a concern to adapt to the legal categories envisaged. Like the law pour les animaux. 23 C. Riot, « Legal Personhood of Animals (I) : The case for the legal personhood of companion ..." -
What is Animal Dignity in Law?
... legal regulation does not necessarily entail the abandonment of welfarism. Rather, jurisdictions that dignity-premised legal regulation does not necessarily entail the abandonment of welfarism. Rather on respect for animals. However, adopting dignity-premised legal regulation does not necessarily entail for animals. However, adopting dignity-premised legal regulation does not necessarily entail the abandonment ..." -
Symposium “Animals in Switzerland, Japan and Beyond - Thinking About Current and Future Concepts” (Video)
... and Future Concepts” took place at the University of Zurich with Prof. Moe Honjo (Topic: Aigo, Legal and Future Concepts” took place at the University of Zurich with Prof. Moe Honjo (Topic: Aigo, Legal Concept Animals in Switzerland, Japan and Beyond – Thinking about Current and Future Legal Concepts On 5 ..." -
Animal Experimentation in Basic Research – Current Discussion and Implications of the Latest Jurisprudence in Switzerland
... topic[13] – and, more recently, legal debate in Switzerland and Germany.[14] These discussions Experimentation Ordinance) of April 12, 2010 (SR 455.163) defines four categories of harm to animals – called ..." -
Le respect de l’animal inscrit pour la première fois dans les programmes scolaires français à la rentrée 2024 : une avancée à encourager pour une protection interspécifique
... Universitaire de France, Founding Director of the Legal Clinic One Health-Une seule santé. Content I , Member of the Institut Universitaire de France, Founding Director of the Legal Clinic One Health-Une ..." -
Review: Saskia Stucki, One Rights: Human and Animal Rights in the Anthropocene
... on this central idea by providing a legal-theoretical perspective on the intertwinement of human and animal rights on this central idea by provid- ing a legal-theoretical perspective on the intertwinement of human and animal ..." -
Linking One Health to 3R Culture of Care as a bridge towards Russell and Burch's highest goal: Replacement
... , fish, and reptiles are excluded from the law.[10] This is because they do not fall under the legal .10 This is because they do not fall under the legal definition of 'animal', and as a consequence ..." -
Tierspezifische Grundrechte für die Tiere als Teil des Rechtsstaats
... .“ Sehr weitgehend auch ihre Darstellung der kritischen Tierrechtswissenschaften (Legal Animal Studies der kritischen Tierrechtswissenschaften (Legal Animal Studies) „nicht nur gegen missbräuchliches Tierverhalten ..." -
Prüfungsbefugnis der Bewilligungsbehörden im Bereich Tierversuche – ein Vergleich der rechtlichen Vorgaben der EU und der Schweiz unter Berücksichtigung der jüngsten Rechtsprechung
... ://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/DE/ALL/ ?uri=celex%3A32010L0063> (31. Mai 2023). 11 Richtlinien ..." -
The Ranking Argument – Challenging Favourable Comparative Rhetoric about Animal Welfare Law
... at framing Swiss animal welfare law as being devoid of problems, let alone problems that would warrant legal law as being devoid of problems, let alone problems that would warrant legal change. Considering ..."
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